Home CELEBRITY Paige Spiranac rips open bikini top revealing huge cleavage – but trolls...

Paige Spiranac rips open bikini top revealing huge cleavage – but trolls fans at last second


In the latest episode of ‘What not to wear on the golf course’, tipster and Instagram instructor Paige Spiranac came dangerously close to breaking all kinds of social media rules

Paige Spiranac rips open paper bikini

Christmas almost came early if you’re a fan of Paige Spiranac.

The glam golf goddess came within milliseconds of gifting her legions of followers an eyeful less than a week out from the big day. And unlike a pair of socks, this is the kind of present that would have lasted a lifetime.

Unlike Spiranac’s paper bikini, that is, which was the former college star’s attire of choice prior to being shredded for the amusement of the masses. But just as the big reveal is about to be made, text is plastered across the screen reading: “You’re not good enough to get mad.”

The interruption would be maddening were it not so true for 99% of the population. And her 5million or so subscribers across X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram evidently weren’t short on bitterness based on some of the replies.

“How many of you watched it over and over just in case there was a chance you kept missing more than what you saw,” asked one eager fan in response to the four-second clip. And plenty of others echoed the same sentiment of frustration at being robbed of the pay-off.